Farmer Mac

As a Farmer Mac-approved lender, we’re able to offer everything from revolving lines of credit to long-term fixed-rate loans—all with competitive terms.

Farmer Mac Financing

Real Benefits of Farmer Mac Loan

  • Many flexible options can be tailored to fit your farm's needs
  • Manage interest-rate risk and ease cash-flow pressure
  • Fixed rates up to 30 years
  • Fully amortized or balloon options
  • Several adjustable-rate (ARM) options with up to 15-year maturities
  • Revolving line of credit tied to real estate, with 5- and 10-year draw options


Average 30–45 days application to closing!

1–2 WEEKSWork with your Frandsen ag banker to select your loan product and complete your application.

2–3 BUSINESS DAYSFarmer Mac usually make a credit decision within two days.
3–4 WEEKSPreliminary Home Approval triggers the ordering of title work and an appraisal.
2–5 BUSINESS DAYSUpon final Farmer Mac approval, the interest rate is locked in and the closing documents are ordered. Loans typically close within a week of locking your rate.
IMPORTANT: Many factors determine your underwriting track; therefore all time frames shown are estimates based on typical scenarios.

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